Monday, May 19, 2014

Recycle Glass Jar Idea: Store Art Markers and Make a Jar Lid Fridge Magnet

Monday, May 19, 2014

Hello Monday people! I haven't done a tutorial in awhile because of the big move; honestly, I really miss the fun, and I told myself, now that I have settled in The Studio, I shall be focusing on doing lots. There's a couple of interesting blog posts lined up this month until the next, so stay tune with me. For the time being, check out this really quick and easy tutorial. 

I whipped this up on Sunday, when I was cleaning up the glass jar. I wanted to use it to store my forks and spoons, but then I realized it looked so much nicer on my table if I store my art markers with it. Then there's the jar lid, which at first, I didn't know what to do with it; I almost threw it away, but then I remembered that I wanted to have fridge magnets on my fridge. Since we are on a tight budget (and also my love said I should put my artworks), I decided to make my own.

So here's a quick DIY tutorial for those of you who wants to recycle your glass jars. Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shia Lynn, I really love your blog! You have so many cool upcyling stuff! Very inspiring. :) Do keep it up.
